Welcome Pediatrics P.L.L.C.
Privacy Policy
Welcome Pediatrics PLLC is committed to the right to privacy for our patients and web site visitors.
When a person visits our web site we may collect and track data from our site’s server. This information helps us to improve upon the content provided on our site. Information collected may include how long you spend on our site, the pages you visit, your browser and operating system types and the name of your Internet service provider.
Our web site provides the capability to request information on-line. To process your request, we may require that you provide us with personal identifying information. All information collected is held in complete confidence. It is our policy not to share the information with third parties for any reason, unless legally required to do so or as necessary to process your requests.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy or our use of information gathered through our web site, please contact us.
Welcome Pediatrics Disclaimers
The Content of this website is for informational purposes only.
In view of the possibility of error by the authors, editors, or publishers of the works contained on the Website, neither the Welcome Pediatrics nor any other party involved in the preparation of material contained on the Website represents, warrants or assumes any obligation to assure that the Website or Content is reliable, timely, accurate or complete.
When using the Website, information will be transmitted over a medium that is beyond the control and jurisdiction of the Welcome Pediatrics. Accordingly, the Welcome Pediatrics assumes no liability resulting or arising out of the delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any information transmitted in connection with the use of the Website.
We make no claims that the Website is appropriate for access or use outside the U.S. Your access and/or use of our site outside the U.S. is at your own risk, and you are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.
No Medical Advice. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients and consumers reading articles posted on the Website should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. If you need medical advice or other health care assistance, you should consult with a qualified healthcare provider.
You should never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Website. Your reliance upon Content obtained by you at or through the Website is solely at your own risk.
Non-Discrimination Notice
Welcome Pediatrics complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, natural origin, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship, genetic information, gender expression, gender identity, or military status or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local law. Welcome Pediatrics does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, religion, sex, age, natural origin, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship, genetic information, gender expression, gender identity, or military status or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local law.

Come see our friendly doctors and staff at our Pediactrics-only facility in the heart of Brooklyn, NY!

Office Schedule
(hours variable during COVID19)
Monday ............... 11AM-6PM
Tuesday ............... 11AM-6PM
Wednesday ......... 11AM-6PM
Thursday ............. 11AM-6PM
Friday ................... 10AM-5PM
Saturday .............. Closed
Sunday ................. 10AM-4PM